Опис книги General Surgery: textbook / S.D. Khimich, M.D. Zheliba, V.P. Andryushchenko et al.
The basic textbook consists of two parts. The first part covers the general issues of surgery, in particular the organization of surgical care, deontology and care of patients with a surgical profile, asepsis and antisepsis, bases of anesthesiology and resuscitation, hemostasis, blood transfusion, and surgical intervention.
The second part deals with the issues of surgical pathology, surgical infection and surgical diseases.
Numerous sections of general surgery, such as asepsis and antisepsis, anesthetics, blood transfusion, bleeding, shock, and the doctrine of wounds, are important for the study of not only surgery but also obstetrics, gynecology, urology, eye diseases, ear, throat and nose disorders.
A separate section of the textbook is devoted to modern methods of diagnostics and surgical treatment.
This textbook is useful for students of higher medical educational establishments — universities, institutes and academies.
Зміст книги General Surgery: textbook / S.D. Khimich, M.D. Zheliba, V.P. Andryushchenko et al.
List of a Сommon Abbreviations
Foreword (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 1. From the History of Development of Surgery (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 2. Deontology. Medical Ethics and Bioethics in Surgery (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 3. Surgical Manipulations (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 4. General Principles of Care for Surgical Patients (doctor of medical sciences, professor V.O. Syplyviy; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor O.G. Petiunin; candidate of medical sciences D.V. Ievtushenko)
Section 5. Desmurgy and Non-Operative Surgical Technique (candidate of medical sciences, associate professor I.N. Oshovskyi)
Section 6. General Questions of Examination of Patients With the Surgical Profile (doctor of medical sciences, professor I.M. Deykalo; doctor of medical sciences, professor V.O. Shidlovsky; doctor of medical sciences, professor P.O. Herasymchuk)
Section 7. Surgical Operation (doctor of Medical Sciences, professor V.H. Palyi)
Section 8. Prevention of Surgical Infections
Antisepsis (doctor of medical sciences, professor O.V. Ligonenko; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor A.B. Zubaha; doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Asepsis (doctor of medical sciences, professor O.V. Ligonenko; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor I.O. Chorna; doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 9. Hemostasis (Control of Bleeding) (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 10. Bases of Clinical Transfusiology (doctor of medical sciences, professor M.D. Zheliba; doctor of medical sciences, professor V.P. Polyovyy; doctor of medical sciences, professor V.D. Fundiur; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor S.O. Yakobchuk)
Section 11. General and Regional Anesthesia (doctor of medical sciences, professor M.L. Gomon; doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 12. Life Threatening Disorders of Vital Functions Critical Conditions of Health, Terminal States and Clinical Death Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (doctor of medical sciences, professor O.I. Datsyuk; doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Section 13. Damages to the Musculoskeletal System: Trauma and Traumatism; Fractures and Dislocations of the Bones; Damage to the Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments (doctor of medical sciences, professor V.O. Fischenko;
candidate of medical sciences, associate professor V.I. Kyrychenko)
Section 14. Сruch-Syndrome.Compartment-Syndrome. Polytrauma (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D.Khimich; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor O.M. Chemerys)
Section 15. Open Mechanical Injuries?— Wounds (doctor of medical sciences, professor M.D. Zheliba; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor A.M. Formanchuk)
Section 16. Thermal Trauma (doctor of medical sciences, professor V.I. Nagaichuk)
Section 17. General Questions Of Surgical Infection (doctor of medical sciences,
professor M.D. Zheliba; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor M.I. Burkovsky; candidate of medical sciences R.M. Chornopyshchuk)
Section 18. Aсute Surgical Infection (doctor of medical sciences, professor O.P. Zhuchenko; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor P.S. Shevnia)
Section 19. Anaerobic Gas Infection (Gas Gangrene) (candidate of medical sciences, associate professor O.A. Vilcanyuk)
Section 20. General Purulent Infection (Sepsis) (doctor of medical sciences, professor I.D. Herych; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor V.V. Vashchuk; doctor of medical sciences, professor V.P. Andryushchenko)
Section 21. Acute and Chronic Specific Surgical Infection (doctor of medical sciences, professor I.D. Herych; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor V.V. Vashchuk; assistant professor H.I. Herych)
Section 22. Features of Care and Treatment of Hiv-Infected Persons in Surgical Departments (candidate of medical sciences, associate professor I.V. Stoyanovskyi)
Section 23. Fundamentals of Oncology (doctor of medical sciences, professor V.O. Syplyviy; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor O.G. Petiunin)
Section 24. Necrosis, Gangrene, Decubitus, Trophic Ulcer, and Fistula (doctor of medical sciences, professor O.I. Dronov)
Section 25. Surgical Parasitic Diseases (candidate of medical sciences O.A. Yarmak, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor A.V. Funikov)
Section 26. Defects of the Development and Malformations (doctor of medical sciences, professor V.P. Polyovyy;
doctor of medical sciences, professor R.I. Sydorchuk; candidate of medical sciences, associate professor A.S. Palyanytsia)
Section 27. Fundamentals of Transplantation and Plastic Surgery (doctor of medical sciences, professor V.P. Polyovyy; doctor of medical sciences, professor R.I. Sydorchuk)
Section 28. Modern Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment in Surgery (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich; assistant professor H.I. Herych)
Appendixes (doctor of medical sciences, professor S.D. Khimich)
Автори книги General Surgery: textbook / S.D. Khimich, M.D. Zheliba, V.P. Andryushchenko et al.
S.D. Khimich, M.D. Zheliba, V.P. Andryushchenko, M.I. Burkovsky, O.M. Chemerys, I.O. Chorna, R.M. Chornopyshchuk, O.I. Datsyuk, I.M. Deykalo, O.I. Dronov, V.O. Fischenko, A.M. Formanchuk, V.D. Fundiur, A.V. Funikov, M.L. Gomon, P.O. Herasymchuk, H.I. Herych, I.D. Herych, D.V. Ievtushenko, V.I. Kyrychenko, O.V. Ligonenko, V.I. Nagaichuk, I.N. Oshovskyi, A.S. Palyanytsia, V.H. Palyi, O.G. Petiunin, V.P. Polyovyy, P.S. Shevnia, V.O. Shidlovsky, I.V. Stoyanovskyi, R.I. Sydorchuk, V.О. Syplyviy, V.V. Vashchuk, A.V. Verba, O.A. Vilcanyuk, S.O. Yakobchuk, O.A. Yarmak, O.P. Zhuchenko, A.B. Zubaha