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Anesthesiology and intensive care: textbook / F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. — 3rd edition

Anesthesiology and intensive care: textbook / F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. — 3rd edition

В наявності
630 грн
Автори: Ф.С. Глумчер, Ю.Л. Кучин, С.О. Дубров та ін.; за редакцією Ф.С. Глумчера, С.О. Дуброва
Гриф: рекомендовано МОЗ України, рекомендовано вченою радою Національного медичного університету ім. О.О. Богомольця
Аудиторія: для студентів медичних закладів вищої освіти України
Видавництво: Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Мова: англійська
Рік і номер видання: 2021, 3-є (перероблене і доповнене)
Кількість сторінок: 312 (чорно-білі)
ISBN: 978-617-505-879-4
Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване
видавництво «Медицина»

Опис книги Anesthesiology and intensive care: textbook / F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. — 3rd edition

The textbook has been developed according to the new curriculum. The course of anesthesiology and intensive care lays the foundation for mastering emergencies that require the use of anesthesia and intensive care techniques. The study of these disciplines integrates the knowledge of internal medicine, pediatrics, and pharmacology, as students need to know the clinical physiology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, liver, kidneys, etc. In the third edition, the authors updated several chapters of the textbook taking into account the significant changes that have occurred in the medical field in recent years. According to the new curriculum, the textbook includes the chapter Sepsis, Rational ­Antimicrobial Therapy.
For students of higher medical education institutions.

Зміст книги Anesthesiology and intensive care: textbook / F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. — 3rd edition

History of the development of anesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive therapy
Cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation
Introduction to resuscitation
Basic concepts and definitions
The main stages of attenuation of vital functions of the body
Stages of cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation
Stage I. Basic life support
Stage II. Advanced life support
Stage III. Prolonged life support
General points of clinical anesthesiology and intensive care
Classification of anesthesia methods
The theory of anesthesia
Characteristics of anesthesia stages and levels
The main stages of anesthesiology of surgical interventions
Perioperative examination and preparation of the patient for surgery and anesthesia
Anesthetic management in surgery
Methods of anesthesia
Clinical and pharmacological characteristics of muscle relaxants
Anesthetic and ventilatory equipment and anesthesia instruments
Structure of anesthetic-respiratory apparatus
Anesthetic instruments and devices
Checking equipment before anesthesia
Inhalation anesthesia
Inhalation anesthetics
Methods of inhalation anesthesia conduction
Non-inhalation anesthesia
Intravenous anesthetics
Combined general anesthesia
Regional anesthesia
Postoperative recovery
Postoperative analgesia
Anesthesia in cardiovascular diseases
Anesthesia in shock
Anesthesia in thoracic surgery
Anesthesia in neurosurgery
Anesthesia and intensive therapy in abdominal surgery
Anesthesia and intensive therapy in peritonitis
Anesthesia and intensive therapy in acute pancreatitis
Anesthesia in pediatric surgery
Anesthesia in elderly patients
Anesthesia in obstetrics
Anesthesia during delivery
Anesthesia in cesarian section
Intensive care
Disorders of water-electrolyte balance and their correction
Disorders of electrolyte exchange and their correction
Acid-base balance
Definition of acids and bases
Buffer systems of the body
Physiological regulation of pH
Clinical conditions accompanied by ABB disorders
Acute respiratory failure
Clinical physiology of the respiratory system and intensive care of its pathology
Acute failure of external respiration
Bronchial asthma
Acute respiratory distress syndrome/acute lung injury
Oxygen therapy
Mechanical ventilation
Pulmonary embolism
Clinical physiology of the cardiovascular system
Systemic circulation
Control of blood pressure
Instrumental methods of hemodynamics examination in intensive care
Crush syndrome
ARF in rhabdomyolysis
Acute liver failure
Anatomic and physiological features of the liver
Acute renal failure
Clinical physiology of the kidneys
Etiopathogenetic mechanisms of ARF
Clinical physiology of the brain
Cerebral perfusion
Intracranial pressure
Blood-brain barrier
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Monitoring of cerebral perfusion
Brain edema
Intensive care of cerebrovascular accidents
Intensive therapy in acute intoxication
Clinical signs of possible intoxication
Acute barbiturates intoxication
Tranquilizers intoxication (benzodiazepine derivatives)
Alcohol intoxication (ethanol)
Caustic substances intoxication
CO intoxication
Phosphor compounds intoxication
Natural toxins intoxication
Sepsis. General principes of antibiotic therapy in critically ill patients, patients with sepsis and septic shock
Definition of sepsis
Coagulation and sepsis
Monitoring septic patients: physiology
Antibiotics combination
Duration of antibiotic therapy

Автори книги Anesthesiology and intensive care: textbook / F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. — 3rd edition

F.S. Hlumcher , Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov, L.V. Usenko, Yu.Yu. Kobeliatskyi, O.V. Oliynyk, N.O. Voloshyna, O.V. Tsariov, S.M. Yaroslavska, K.Yu. Belka, Ye.Yu. Diomin

Характеристики книги Anesthesiology and intensive care: textbook / F.S. Hlumcher, Yu.L. Kuchyn, S.O. Dubrov et al. — 3rd edition

Видавництво: Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Форма: друкована книга (видання)
Вид: підручник
Мова: англійська
Рік і номер видання: 2021, 3-є (перероблене і доповнене)
Кількість сторінок: 312 (чорно-білі)
Обкладинка: тверда
Формат: 70х100/16
Вага: 595 г
ISBN: 978-617-505-879-4 (9786175058794)

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