Описание книги Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: Медицина = English for Professional Purposes: Medicine: textbook / O.O. Pisotska, I.V. Znamenska, V.G. Kostenko, O.M. Bieliaieva
This textbook is committed to foster general and profession-centered English language competences (linguistic, communicative, pragmatic, socio-cultural) of medical students. These competences contribute to building up their confidence, communicative independence and effectiveness in situations of professional, academic, and daily routine both in written and oral communication.
The textbook is designed to meet the academic and professional needs of medical students learning English for professional purposes, language educators, medical post-graduates, healthcare professionals as well as academic staff using English as a medium of instructions.
Содержание книги Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: Медицина = English for Professional Purposes: Medicine: textbook / O.O. Pisotska, I.V. Znamenska, V.G. Kostenko, O.M. Bieliaieva
Unit 1. Respiratory system
Lesson 1. Anatomy and physiology of respiratory system
GRAMMAR: Forms of participle
Lesson 2. Respiratory diseases
GRAMMAR: Absolute participle construction
Objective participle construction
Unit 2. Cardiovascular system
Lesson 3. Anatomy and physiology of the heart
GRAMMAR: Attributive clauses
Lesson 4. Anatomy and physiology of blood vessels
GRAMMAR: Adverbial clauses
Lesson 5. Diseases of cardiovascular system
GRAMMAR: Subordinate clauses
Unit 3. Digestive system
Lesson 6. Anatomy and physiology of digestive system
GRAMMAR: Object clauses
Lesson 7. Stomach. Gastric diseases
GRAMMAR: Functions of the verb “to be”
Lesson 8. Liver. Hepatic diseases
GRAMMAR: Functions of the verb “to have”
Unit 4. Immune system
Lesson 9. Anatomy and physiology of immune system
GRAMMAR: Simple tenses (revision)
Lesson 10. Diseases of immune system
GRAMMAR: Infinitive and its forms
Unit 5. Endocrine system
Lesson 11. Anatomy and physiology of endocrine system
GRAMMAR: Subjective infinitive construction
Lesson 12. Diseases of endocrine system
GRAMMAR: Objective infinitive construction
Lesson 13. Diabetes mellitus
GRAMMAR: Modal verbs should and would
Unit 6. Nervous system
Lesson 14. Anatomy and physiology of nervous system
GRAMMAR: Verbal noun V + -ing
Lesson 15. Brain
GRAMMAR: Sequence of tenses
Lesson 16. Diseases of nervous system
GRAMMAR: Functions of “one”
Unit 7. Sensory system
Lesson 17. Anatomy and physiology of sensory system
Lesson 18. Eye structure and function. Eye diseases
GRAMMAR: Forms of gerund
Lesson 19. Ear structure and functions. Ear diseases
GRAMMAR: Gerund construction
Lesson 20. Structure of the skin. Skin diseases
GRAMMAR: Co-ordinate conjunctions
Unit 8. Urinary system
Lesson 21. Anatomy and physiology of urinary system
GRAMMAR: Construction “it is (was, will be ) … that (who, whom)”
Lesson 22. Renal diseases
GRAMMAR: -Ing form of the verb
Unit 9. Reproductive system
Lesson 23. Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system. Diseases of reproductive system
GRAMMAR: Simple tenses (revision)
Lesson 24. Pregnancy
GRAMMAR: Perfect tenses (revision)
Lesson 25. Child’s development
GRAMMAR: Modal verbs (revision)
Unit 10. Infectious and cancerous diseases
Lesson 26. Infectious diseases
GRAMMAR: Interrogative form (revision)
Lesson 27. Cancerous diseases
GRAMMAR: Infinitive constructions and participles (revision)
Appendix 1. Irregular verbs
Appendix 2. Term Elements of Greek And Latin Origin
Appendix 3. Короткий довідник з правил словотворення
Appendix 4. Practical grammar guide (короткий граматичний довідник)
Список використаної літератури
Авторы книги Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: Медицина = English for Professional Purposes: Medicine: textbook / O.O. Pisotska, I.V. Znamenska, V.G. Kostenko, O.M. Bieliaieva
O.O. Pisotska, I.V. Znamenska, V.G. Kostenk, O.M. Bieliaieva
Характеристики книги Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: Медицина = English for Professional Purposes: Medicine: textbook / O.O. Pisotska, I.V. Znamenska, V.G. Kostenko, O.M. Bieliaieva
Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Форма: печатная книга (издание)
Вид: учебник
Язык: английский, украинский
Год: 2018
Количество страниц: 368
Обложка: твердая
Формат: 70х100/16
Вес: 608 г
ISBN: 978-617-505-615-8