Описание книги Oncology: textbook / V.I. Starikov, A.S. Khodak, I.Y. Galaychuk
The first part of the textbook examines the issues of general oncology, aetiology, pathogenesis of malignant tumours, as well as the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients. In the second part 16 cancer localisations, risk factors, diagnostics, classification and treatment are considered.
The textbook is intended for English-speaking fifth- and sixth-year students of Ukrainian higher medical education establishments.
Содержание книги Oncology: textbook / V.I. Starikov, A.S. Khodak, I.Y. Galaychuk
Epidemiology of Malignant Tumours
Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Malignant Tumours
Tumour Growth Rate
Classification of Tumours
Malignant Tumour Clinical Staging
Diagnosis of Malignant Tumours
General Principles and Methods of Malignant Tumour Treatment
Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients
Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer
laryngeal Cancer
Oesophageal Cancer
Gastric Cancer
Liver Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Lung Cancer
Breast Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Skin Cancers
Malignant Lymphomas
Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours
Cancer of the Kidney, Ureter and Urinary Bladder
Prostate Cancer
Gynaecological Tumours
Авторы книги Oncology: textbook / V.I. Starikov, A.S. Khodak, I.Y. Galaychuk
V.I. Starikov, A.S. Khodak, I.Y. Galaychuk
Характеристики книги Oncology: textbook / V.I. Starikov, A.S. Khodak, I.Y. Galaychuk
Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Форма: печатная книга (издание)
Вид: учебник
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
Количество страниц: 216 (черно-белые) + 4 цветной вклейки
Обложка: твердая
Формат: 60х90/16
Вес: 334 г
ISBN: 978-617-505-722-3