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Stomatology: in 2 books. — Book 2: textbook (IV a. l.) / M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko et al.; edited by M.M. Rozhko

Stomatology: in 2 books. — Book 2: textbook (IV a. l.) / M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko et al.; edited by M.M. Rozhko

В наличии
2880 грн
Авторы: М.М. Рожко, И.И. Кириленко, О.Г. Денисенко и др.; под редакцией Н.М. Рожка
Гриф: затверджено МОЗ Украины
Аудитория: для студентов факультетов последипломного образования, студентов магистратуры, аспирантов, врачей-резидентов, врачей-стоматологов
Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
Количество страниц: 960 (цветные)
ISBN: 978-617-505-674-5
Всеукраинское специализированное
издательство «Медицина»

Описание книги Stomatology: in 2 books. — Book 2: textbook (IV a. l.) / M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko et al.; edited by M.M. Rozhko

In the textbook, main problems of dental service, therapeutic and surgical dentistry are eluci­dated. Sections of the textbook correspond to the curriculum and program of training in the internship on the specialty of “Stomatology”. Basic prin­ciples of delivering dental care for population, clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and treatment of hard dental tissues, perio­dontal tissues and mucous membrane of the oral cavity are stated. Problems of clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of surgical pathology of the maxillofacial area are considered.
Text of the textbook is accompanied by rich original illustrative material.
It is intended for interns­stomatologists of faculties of post­diploma education, students of the Master’s course, post­graduates, resident physicians, doctors­stomatologists.

Содержание книги Stomatology: in 2 books. — Book 2: textbook (IV a. l.) / M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko et al.; edited by M.M. Rozhko

Chapter 1. Modern Methods and Materials for Dental Filling
Dental filling quality criteria
Indications for the use of traditional cements
Modern dental cements: basic properties, requirements, indications for use
Materials for bandages and temporary fillings
Insulating liner materials
Zinc­phosphate cement
Polycarboxylate cement
Glass ionomer cement
Insulating varnishes
Permanent filling (restorative) materials
Classification and properties of composite filling (restorative) materials
Macrofilled composites
Microfilled composites
Minifilled composites
Hybrid composites
Universal microhybrid composites
Flowable composites
Packable composites
Sandwich technique
Chapter 2. Dental caries
Etiology and pathogenesis of dental caries
Modern concept of caries etiology
The modern view on the pathogenesis of dental caries
Classification of dental caries
Pathological anatomy of dental caries
The clinical picture of caries
The course of non­traditional (specific) forms of caries
Diagnostics of caries
Treatment of caries
Basic principles of caries treatment
Principles and techniques of  carious cavity preparation
Medical treatment of carious cavities
Filling of carious cavities
Technology of rational filling of contact surfaces of teeth
Tactics of the dentist in treatment of various clinical forms of caries
Chapter 3. Diseases of tooth pulp
Pulpitis: etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, classification, general symptoms
Clinical picture, pathological anatomy, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of acute pulpitis
Clinical picture, pathological anatomy, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of chronic pulpitis
Treatment of pulpitis. Principles of treatment. Biological methods
Variations of pastes for biological treatment of pulpitis
Surgical methods of pulpitis treatment. Vital extirpation of pulp
Devital extirpation and amputation
Mistakes and complications in treatment of pulpitis, their prevention and elimination
Chapter 4. Periodontal diseases
Anatomical, histological and functional characteristics of periodontium structure
Periodontitis: etiology, pathogenesis and classification
Clinical picture, pathological anatomy, diagnostics and differential diagnostics of acute periodontitis
Chronic periodontitis
Differential diagnostics of chronic periodontitis
Methods of periodontitis treatment
The main stages of periodontitis treatment
Surgical methods of periodontitis treatment
Errors during diagnostics of periodontitis
Errors in the stages of periodontitis treatment
Late complications after periodontitis treatment
Remote results in periodontitis treatment
Chapter 5. Periodontal tissues diseases
Systematics and epidemiology
Periodontium: clinical anatomy, physiology, functions, age changes
Etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal tissue diseases
Classification of periodontal tissue diseases
Classification of periodontal diseases by M.F. Danylevskyi (1994)
Periodontal semiotics (basic terms) by who (1990)
Methods of examination of patients with periodontal tissues pathology. Criteria of establishment and formulation of diagnosis
Hygiene and periodontal indexes, method of conducting and scheme of calculation
Main periodontal indexes
Clinical diagnosis in periodontology
Clinical picture and diagnosis of periodontal diseases
Clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis of inflammatory periodontal diseases
Clinical picture and diagnosis of gingivitis
Clinical picture and diagnosis of catarrhal gingivitis
Clinical picture and diagnosis of hypertrophic gingivitis
Clinical picture and diagnosis of ulcerative gingivitis
Clinical picture and diagnosis of atrophic gingivitis
Clinical picture and diagnosis of localized periodontitis
Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of atrophic and inflammatory periodontal diseases
Differential diagnosis of generalized periodontitis
Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of periodontosis
Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of idiopathic diseases
Productive processes, periodontomas
Treatment of periodontal tissue diseases
Principles of complex treatment of periodontal disease
Local treatment of periodontal tissue diseases and medications for removal of dental plaque
Methods of manual removal of dental plaques
Medication means for dental plaque removal
Medicamental treatment of periodontal tissues diseases
Treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis
Treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis
Treatment of ulcerative gingivitis
Treatment of dystrophic and inflammatory periodontal diseases
Treatment of periodontosis
Surgical treatment of periodontal tissue diseases
Modern means for surgical treatment of periodontal and bone pockets. Method of directed tissue regeneration
Prosthodontic and orthodontic treatment of periodontal diseases
Variants of prosthodontic treatment of degenerative and inflammatory periodontal diseases
Physiotherapeutic treatment of periodontal diseases
Results of treatment of periodontal tissue diseases
Prevention of periodontal tissue diseases
Oral hygiene training. Care items and facilities for individual oral hygiene
Oral hygiene training
Items for oral cavity care. Methods of teeth cleaning with different hygiene items
Items of individual oral cavity hygiene
Use of chewing gums
Chapter 6. Diseases of mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Classification
Traumatic injuries of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity
Mechanical trauma
Physical trauma
Chemical trauma
Infectious diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity
Viral injuries
Treatment of viral lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity
Changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in acute infectious diseases
Prevention of HIV­infection in personnel of dental institutions
Bacterial infections
Mycotic conditions
Diseases of lips
Chronic lip fissure
Granulomatous miescher’s macrocheilitis
Meige trophedema
Syndrome of Rossolimo—Melkersson—Rosenthal
Diseases of the tongue (glossitis)
Desquamative glossitis
Hairy tongue
Rhomboid glossitis
Folded tongue
Precancerous conditions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and vermilion border of the lips
Bowen’s disease
Warty precancerous condition
Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis of the vermilion border of the lips
Manganotti’s abrasive precancerous cheilitis
Manifestations of allergic conditions on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity
Drug allergy
Cellular tests
Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Behcet’s syndrome
Multiform exudative erythema
Dermatoses caused by autoimmune components
Lichen planus
Lupus erythematosus
Changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity against the background of exogenous intoxications
Mercurial stomatitis
Lead stomatitis
Bismuthic stomatitis
Changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity against the background of the diseases of the body organs and systems
Diseases of gastrointestinal tract
Kidney diseases
Cardiovascular pathology
Lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in patients with endocrine disorders
Changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in hypo­ and avitaminoses
Changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in diseases of the blood­forming organs
Chapter 7. Organization of surgical dental care for population in policlinic
Requirements for surgical dental offices and staff list
Operations that are carried out in offices of dental surgery
Documentation in department of surgical dentistry
Chapter 8. Examination of patient with surgical pathology of maxillofacial area
Clarification of complaints
Collecting the anamnesis
Examination by physical methods
Additional methods of examination
Radiography. Equipment and devices. Radiovisiography
Chapter 9. Types of anesthesia in maxillofacial area
General features of anesthesia in maxillofacial area
Endotracheal anesthesia
Types of local anesthesia
Application anesthesia
Infiltration anesthesia
Conduction anesthesia
Topographic­anatomical backgrounds of conduction anesthesia of the trigeminal nerve branches
The bone foramina (target points) and related types of conduction anesthesia
Conduction anesthesia of upper jaw
Conduction anesthesia of lower jaw
Complications during anesthesia
Local complications during anesthesia
Common complications of local anesthesia
Allergic reactions
Practical recommendations on prevention of the allergic conditions
Advices for doctors beginners
Chapter 10. TooTH EXTRACTION
Indications and contraindications for removal of permanent teeth
Contraindications for teeth removal
Preparation for tooth extraction
Method of tooth extraction
Forcepts and elevators for tooth extraction
Methods of forceps holding
Steps of tooth extraction
Dislocation of tooth (luxation or rotation)
The extraction of a tooth from its alveolus (traction)
Features of removing separate groups of teeth
Complications that occur during and after tooth extraction
Complications that occur during surgical interventions
Chapter 11. Surgical aspects of implantology
Dental implantation
Surgical stage of treatment
Methods of prosthetic treatment
Chapter 12. Odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area
Methods of surgical treatment of periodontitis
Osteomyelitis of jaws
Abscesses and phlegmons
Abscesses and phlegmons of tissues adjacent to the upper jaw
Abscesses and phlegmons of tissues adjacent to the lower jaw
Complications of the inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area
Thrombophlebitis of facial veins. Thrombosis of cavernous sinus
Chapter 13. Diseases of permanent teeth eruption
Chapter 14. Odontogenic maxillary sinus inflammation (maxillary sinusitis)
Chapter 15. Inflammatory diseases and traumatic injuries of salivary glands
Acute sialoadenitis
Chronic sialoadenitis
Syndromes with lesions of salivary glands
Injury of salivary glands. Salivary fistulas
Chapter 16. Infectious inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area
Furuncles and carbuncles
Chapter 17. Traumatic injury of maxillofacial area
Fractures of the mandible
Prosthetic treatment of mandible fractures
Fractures of the upper jaw, zygomatic bone, nasal bones
Emergency medical service in case of maxillofacial trauma
Chapter 18. Neuropathic orofacial pain disorders
Neuralgia of nerves of face and jaws
Paralysis and paresis of facial muscles
Chapter 19. Diseases of temporomandibular joint
Osteoarthroses of temporomandibular joint
Ankyloses of temporomandibular joint
Chapter 20. Surgical techniques in complex treatment of periodontitis
Indications and contraindications to operations
Preoperative preparation
Conservative treatment
Types of surgical intervention
Chapter 21. Benign tumors and tumor­like neoplasms of maxillofacial area. odontogenic cysts
Benign tumors and tumor­like formations of soft tissues and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, face and neck
Benign tumors of salivary glands
Benign tumors of the facial skeleton
Tumor­like formations and dysplastic processes
Chapter 22. Restorative and reconstructive surgery of the face and jaws
Features of patients’ examination with maxillofacial defects and deformations and patients, who require aesthetic and cosmetic surgeries
Methodology of examination of patients with jaw deformations
Some information on anthropometry of face and nose
Acquired defects and deformations of face
Defects and deformations of the nose, eyebrows, eyelids
Acquired deformations of facial skeleton

Авторы книги Stomatology: in 2 books. — Book 2: textbook (IV a. l.) / M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko et al.; edited by M.M. Rozhko

M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko, N.I. Muzychenko, Z.T. Kostyshyn, H.M. Mel­nychuk, V.Yu. Katerynyuk, V.V. Mulkevych, Yu.H. Kononenko, T.M. Dmytryshyn, I.V. Paliychuk, S.V. Kosenko, H.Z. Parasyuk, S.S. Andriytsiv, L.I. Pelekhan, O.H. Katerynyuk, A.V. Borysenko, V.O. Malanchuk, H.F. Biloklytska, O.O. Timofeyev, P.M. Skrypnikov, L.I. Chepel, O.A. Hlazunov, Ye.D. Babov, S.P. Yarova, V.F. Kutsevlyak, I.H. Lisova, V.M. Mudra, T.D. Zabolotny, Yu.V. Vovk, I.Ya. Lomnytskyy, I.I. Sokolova, T.M. Volosovets

Характеристики книги Stomatology: in 2 books. — Book 2: textbook (IV a. l.) / M.M. Rozhko, I.I. Kyrylenko, O.H. Denysenko et al.; edited by M.M. Rozhko

Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Форма: печатная книга (издание)
Вид: учебник
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
Количество страниц: 960 (цветные)
Обложка: твердая
Формат: 70х100/16
Вес: 1,897 кг


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