Опис книги Perimenopausal syndrome: monograph / I.M. Shcherbina
The monograph sets out modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis of perimenopause. Information on the features of the clinical manifestations of perimenopausal disorders, modern diagnostic methods, basic principles of therapy and prevention of perimenopausal systemic disorders are presented. The data of evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy, depending on the symptom complex of perimenopausal disorders, with the results of dynamic monitoring of the state of hormonal, immunological status, lipid metabolism, target organs during therapy are presented.
The monograph recommended for obstetricians-gynecologists, endocrinologists, internists, general practitioners of family medicine, undergraduate and postgraduate medical students.
Зміст книги Perimenopausal syndrome: monograph / I.M. Shcherbina
Chapter 1. Terminology and classification of the perimenopausal period
Chapter 2. Epidemiological aspects of the perimenopausal period
Chapter 3. Pathogenesis of the perimenopause
Chapter 4. Morphofunctional characteristics of the ovaries in perimenopause
Chapter 5. Clinical manifestation of pathological perimenopause
Chapter 6. Diagnostics
Chapter 7. Genetic aspects of perimenopause. Analysis of heritability and forecasting features of the perimenopausal period
Chapter 8. Modern approaches to comprehensive treatment of perimenopausal violations
Chapter 9. Functional state of different systems of the woman’s body during the physiological course of perimenopause
Chapter 10. Features of the functional state of the body systems in women with neurovegetative and psycho-emotional disorders in the perimenopause
10.1. Functional state of the nervous system and psycho-emotional status
10.2. Immunoreactive relationships and nature of immune disorders
10.3. Features of the hormonal background and activity of biogenic amines
10.4. Indicators of lipid metabolism, LPO processes and antioxidant activity
10.5. The effectiveness of complex treatment and monitoring of patients with neurovegetative and psycho-emotional disorders
Chapter 11. Urogenital disorders in perimenopause
11.1. Indicators of urodynamic studies
11.2. Features of immunoreactivity and the nature of immune disorders in patients with urogenital violations
11.3. Indicators of the level of hormones and biogenic amines
11.4. Characteristics of lipid metabolism
11.5. The effectiveness of complex treatment of patients with urogenital disorders
Chapter 12. Perimenopausal metabolic syndrome
12.1. Immunological aspects of metabolic disorders in perimenopause
12.2. Hormonal status of patients with metabolic perimenopausal disorders
12.3. Lipid metabolism study results
12.4. Complex treatment and monitoring of patients with metabolic disorders
Chapter 13. disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the perimenopause
13.1. Features of immunoreactivity and the nature of immune violations in patients with musculoskeletal disorders in the perimenopause
13.2. Indicators of the level of hormones and biogenic amines
13.3. Lipid metabolism indicators
13.4. The effectiveness of complex treatment of patients with musculoskeletal disorders
Характеристики книги Perimenopausal syndrome: monograph / I.M. Shcherbina
Видавництво: Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Форма: друкована книга (видання)
Вид: монографія
Мова: англійська
Рік: 2021
Кількість сторінок: 160 (чорно-білі)
Обкладинка: тверда
Формат: 60х90/16
Вага: 0,320 г
ISBN: 978-617-505-845-9 (9786175058459)