Зміст книги Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine: Workbook. Clinical manual (IV a. l.) / V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk, I.V. Krasiuk et al.
Workbook 1. Topic of practical class 1: “Scheme of case report. Interviewing of a patient”
Workbook 2. Topic of practical class 2: “General inspection of a patient, diagnostic significance of revealed signs. Inspection of the separate parts of the body: head, neck, trunk, and extremities”
Workbook 3. Topic of practical class 3: “The main complaints of patients with respiratory diseases. Static and dynamic inspection of the chest. Palpation of the chest”
Workbook 4. Topic of practical class 4: “Percussion of the lungs. Technique of comparative percussion. Technique of topographic percussion”
Workbook 5. Topic of practical class 5: “Auscultation of the lungs. The main breath sounds (vesicular and bronchial breathing)”
Workbook 6. Topic of practical class 6: “Auscultation of the lungs. Adventitious breath sounds (rales, crepitation, and pleural friction sound)”
Workbook 7. Topic of practical class 7: “Instrumental and laboratory methods of respiratory organs examination”
Workbook 8. Topic of practical class 8: “Physical methods of cardiovascular system examination. Interviewing and general inspection of the patients with cardiovascular diseases”
Workbook 9. Topic of practical class 9: “Examination of pulse and blood pressure measurement”
Workbook 10. Topic of practical class 10: “Inspection and palpation of the heart region. Determination by percussion of the relative and absolute cardiac dullness, borders of the vascular bundle”
Workbook 11. Topic of practical class 11: “Auscultation of the heart. Normal heart sounds, splitting and reduplication of heart sounds,
adventitious sounds (mitral valve opening snap, gallop rhythm)”
Workbook 12. Topic of practical class 12: “Auscultation of the heart. Organic and functional heart murmurs”
Workbook 13. Topic of practical class 13: “Instrumental methods for examination of cardiovascular system. Electrocardiography (ECG): technique of recording and interpreting: standard, augmented and chest leads. ECG signs of ventricular and atrial hypertrophy”
Workbook 14. Topic of practical class 14: “ECG signs of cardiac arrhythmias associated with altered automaticity and excitability”
Workbook 15. Topic of practical class 15: “ECG signs of conduction disorders and combined disorders of excitation and conduction. Presentation of electric defibrillation and pacing”
Workbook 16. Topic of practical class 16: “Interviewing and general inspection of the patients with digestive system diseases. Inspection and superficial palpation of the abdomen”
Workbook 17. Topic of practical class № 17: “Deep sliding methodical palpation of the intestine and stomach”
Workbook 18. Topic of practical class № 18: “Deep sliding methodical palpation of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys”
Workbook 19. Topic of practical class 19: “Mitral and aortic valve diseases: the chief symptoms and syndromes, clinical and instrumental methods of examination”
Workbook 20. Topic of practical class 20: “The chief symptoms and syndromes of essential and secondary arterial hypertension. Hypertensive crisis”
Workbook 21. Topic of practical class 21: “Ischemic heart disease: the chief symptoms and syndromes of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction”
Workbook 22. Topic of practical class 22: “The main clinical signs of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases”
Workbook 23. Topic of practical class 23: “Pneumonia: symptoms and syndromes; clinical, instrumental and laboratory methods
of examination. Pneumosclerosis. Lung cancer”
Workbook 24. Topic of practical class 24: “The chief symptoms and syndromes of dry pleurisy, pleurisy with effusion. Syndrome of respiratory insufficiency”
Workbook 25. Topic of practical class 25: “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination of the patients with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and intestine pathology. The chief symptoms and syndromes”
Workbook 26. Topic of practical class 26: “The chief symptoms and syndromes of biliary diseases: chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, and cholelithiasis. The main clinical and laboratory signs of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis”
Workbook 27. Topic of practical class 27: “The chief symptoms and syndromes of renal diseases: acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis”
Workbook 28. Topic of practical class 28: “The chief symptoms and syndromes of anemia. Blood analysis”
Scheme of Case Report
I. Interviewing
Physical examination
II. General inspection
ІІІ. Examination of Systems (the most affected system should be first)
IV. Presume Diagnosis and its Explanation
V. List the diagnostic laboratory tests, instrumental studies or consultations needed to confirm the presumed diagnosis
Algorithms for Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE)
Measurement of blood pressure
Recording of 12-lead electrocardiogram
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), basic life support (BLS)
Algorithm С – А – В
Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE-І)
Station: Physical Examination
Examination of lymph nodes
Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE-І)
Station: Physical Examination
Comparative percussion of the lungs