Описание книги Orthodontiсs = Ортодонтія: підручник (ВНЗ ІV р. а.) / П.С. Фліс, М.А. Омельчук, Н.В. Ращенко
The textbook has been prepared according to the orthodontics syllabus of higher medical education institutions of the 4th level of accreditation. There has been presented a new definition of orthodontics as a science, investigation and classification methods, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostics, methods of treatment and prophylaxis of persistent dentognathic anomalies and deformations.
The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the new 2003 curriculum of the MPH of Ukraine and the valid syllabus of higher educational institutions of the 4th level of accreditation.
Содержание книги Orthodontiсs = Ортодонтія: підручник (ВНЗ ІV р. а.) / П.С. Фліс, М.А. Омельчук, Н.В. Ращенко
Foreword | Chapter 1. Orthodontics History | Сhapter 2. Morphofunctional Description of Dentognathic Apparatus | Chapter 3. Clinical Methods of Examining Patients with Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations | Chapter 4. Auxiliary Methods of Examining Patients with Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations | Chapter 5. Classification of Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations | Chapter 6. Basic Methods of Prophylaxis and Treatment of Dentognathic Anomalies and Deformations | Chapter 7. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Individual Teeth Anomalies | Chapter 8. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Individual Teeth Position nomalies | Chapter 9. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Distal Occlusion | Chapter 10. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Mesial Occlusion | Chapter 11. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Deep Bite | Chapter 12. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Open Bite | Chapter 13. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Presentation, Diagnostics, Treatment, and Prophylaxis of Cross Bite | Literature
Авторы книги Orthodontiсs = Ортодонтія: підручник (ВНЗ ІV р. а.) / П.С. Фліс, М.А. Омельчук, Н.В. Ращенко
П.С. Фліс, М.А. Омельчук, Н.В. Ращенко, І.Л. Скрипник, С.І. Тріль, Г.П. Леоненко
Характеристики книги Orthodontiсs = Ортодонтія: підручник (ВНЗ ІV р. а.) / П.С. Фліс, М.А. Омельчук, Н.В. Ращенко
Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Форма: печатная книга (издание)
Вид: учебник
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
Количество страниц: 336
Обложка: твердая
Формат: 70х100/16
Вага: 647 г
ISBN: 978-966-10-0034-5