Опис книги Ophthalmology: textbook / O.P. Vitovska, P.A. Bezditko, I.M. Bezkorovayna et al. — 2nd edition
The textbook Ophthalmology is intended to provide medical students, interns, ophthalmology residents, as well as primary care physicians with a general approach to eye exam and treatment of the most common ocular diseases and emergencies.
In connection with the health care reform in Ukraine that includes, inter alia, the adaptation of achievements of modern European and American ophthalmology in Ukrainian practical medicine, the authors included data on the latest world achievements and guidelines for ophthalmic diseases treatment.
The book contains the latest information on the eye anatomy, thorough ophthalmic examination, concepts of diagnosis, and recent advances in the treatment of the most common ocular disorders and emergencies. Most chapters are illustrated with color clinical photographs or illustrations. At the end of each chapter, key points, schemes, control questions, multiple choice tests, and clinical cases are given to help students prepare for practical lessons and future exams. The appendix provides ophthalmic pharmaceuticals sorted by classes.
Зміст книги Ophthalmology: textbook / O.P. Vitovska, P.A. Bezditko, I.M. Bezkorovayna et al. — 2nd edition
Chapter 1. Anatomy of the Eye and Visual Functions
Chapter 2. The Ophthalmic Examination
Chapter 3. Optical System of the Eye. Refractive Errors, Accommodation and Amblyopia
Chapter 4. Diseases of the Eyelids
Chapter 5. Disorders of the Lacrimal System
Chapter 6. Disorders of the Orbit
Chapter 7. Diseases of the Conjunctiva
Chapter 8. Diseases of the Cornea
Chapter 9. Diseases of the Sclera
Chapter 10. Diseases of the Uvea
Chapter 11. Lens Diseases
Chapter 12. Glaucoma
Chapter 13. Diseases of the Retina
Chapter 14. Diseases of the Optic Nerve
Chapter 15. Diseases of the Vitreous Body
Chapter 16. Ocular Trauma
Chapter 17. Ocular Emergencies
Chapter 18. Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
Chapter 19. Disorders of Ocular Motility and Strabismus
Chapter 20. Blindness
Appendix 1. Ophthalmic Pharmaceuticals
Appendix 2. Keys to Tests and Clinical Cases
Appendix 3. List of Recommended Reading
Автори книги Ophthalmology: textbook / O.P. Vitovska, P.A. Bezditko, I.M. Bezkorovayna et al. — 2nd edition
Oksana P. Vitovska, Pavlo A. Bezditko, Iryna M. Bezkorovayna, Maxym B. Bezugly, Andriy S. Hudz, Oleksandra V. Korobova, Angela M. Nykolyuk, Andriy K. Pavlyuchenko, Yaroslav I. Penyshkevych, Vasyl M. Sakovych, Yuliya Y Saldan, Rimma L. Scrypnyk, Mycola V. Turchin, Maryna D. Vershynina, Nataliya G. Zavgorodnya, Dmytro G. Zhaboiedov, Gennadii D. Zhaboiedov
Характеристики книги Ophthalmology: textbook / O.P. Vitovska, P.A. Bezditko, I.M. Bezkorovayna et al. — 2nd edition
Видавництво: Всеукраїнське спеціалізоване видавництво «Медицина»
Форма: друкована книга (видання)
Вид: підручник
Мова: англійська
Рік і номер видання: 2020, 2-е (стереотипне)
Кількість сторінок: 648 (повнокольорове видання)
Обкладинка: тверда
Формат: 70х100/16
Вага: 1,328 кг
ISBN: 978-617-505-829-9 (9786175058299)