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Нова пропозиція: «Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine: Workbook. Clinical manual (IV a. l.) / V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk, I.V. Krasiuk et al.»

Нова пропозиція: «Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine: Workbook. Clinical manual (IV a. l.) / V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk, I.V. Krasiuk et al.»

Пропонуємо ознайомитися з новим виданням для покращення самопідготовки англомовних студентів 3-го курсу до практичних занять в клініці: «Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine: Workbook. Clinical manual (IV a. l.) / V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk, I.V. Krasiuk et al.»
The manual contains workbooks on Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine, which are aimed at improving the self-training of English-speaking students of the 3rd year to practical classes in the clinic. The structure and contents of the manual are adapted to the requirements of the curriculum of the discipline “Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine” for students of higher medical education establishments. Structured self-study questions, situational tasks and quiz test questions will simplify and facilitate students’ work on their own. The manual was worked out by the teachers of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine No. 2 at Bogomolets National Medical University taking into account all suggestions and comments received during recent years from the pedagogical team, students and practicing doctors.