Описание книги General epidemiology: study guide / N.O. Vynograd. — 4th edition
The study guide was prepared according to the typical syllabus for Epidemiology with due account of the qualification description and standards of training on the basis of regulatory and binding documents of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The book sets out in concise detail the fundamentals of general epidemiology and approaches to prevention of epidemiological complications, protection of the population and territory from the spread of infectious diseases.
The fourth edition describes the WHO recommendations on the introduction of immunization programs for children and adults on epidemiological indications.
The study guide is intended for masters and internship doctors of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies.
Содержание книги General epidemiology: study guide / N.O. Vynograd. — 4th edition
Topic 1. The Doctrine of the Epidemic Process. Countermeasures in the Foci of Infectious Diseases. Anti-Epidemic Work of a District (Family) Physician and an Infectious Disease Specialist
Self-Control Questions
Test Tasks
Case Study
Topic 2. Deratization (Rodent Control). Dizinsection (Insect Control). Disinfection and Sterilization
Self-Control Questions
Test Tasks
Case Study
Topic 3. Preventive Vaccination Against Infectious Diseases. Immunization Schedule. Legal Aspects of Vaccination
Self-Control Questions
Test Tasks
Case Study
Topic 4. Organization and Implementation of Immunization. Estimation of Immunization Efficiency. Urgent Vaccination
Self-Control Questions
Test Tasks
Case Study
Topic 5. Epidemiological Method of Research and its Structure. Planning of Countermeasures and Preventive Measures
Self-Control Questions
Test Tasks
Case Study
Topic 6. Analytical and Experimental Methods in Epidemiological Research
Self-Control Questions
Test Tasks
Case Study
Case Study Answers. Appendixes
Характеристики книги General epidemiology: study guide / N.O. Vynograd. — 4th edition
Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Форма: печатная книга (издание)
Вид: учебное пособие
Язык: английский
Год и номер издания: 2021, 4-е переработанное и дополненное издание
Количество страниц: 152 (черно-белые)
Обложка: твердая
Формат: 60х90/16
Вес: 252 г
ISBN: 978-617-505-864-0 (9786175058640)