Содержание книги Phthisiology: textbook / V.I. Petrenko, O.K. Asmolov, M.G. Boyko et al.; edited by V.I. Petrenko. — 2nd edition
Key terms & abbreviations
Chapter 1. General basics of phthisiology
1.1. History of Phthisiology (V.I. Petrenko)
1.2. Basics of TB Control and Elimination (Pierpaolo di Colombani)
1.3. The Stop TB Strategy (Pierpaolo di Colombani)
1.3.1. TB Control and Styblo’s Model
1.3.2. The DOTS Strategy
1.3.3. The Stop TB Strategy
1.4. Epidemiology and Control of TB at the Global Level (Richard Zaleskis)
1.4.1. Basics of TB Epidemiology
1.4.2. TB Epidemiology in the World and in the European Region
1.4.3. Combating TB in the World and in the European Region
1.4.4. Achievements in TB Control
1.4.5. Main Challenges in TB Control
1.4.6. Next Steps in Global TB Control and its Eradication
1.5. TB Epidemiology and Control in Ukraine (O.S. Shevchenko)
1.5.1. TB Control in Ukraine
1.5.2. General Issues on TB Epidemiology
1.5.3. Epidemiology of TB in Ukraine
1.6. Prevention of TB (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
1.6.1. Social Determinants and Noncommunicable Diseases (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
1.6.2. Contact Tracing (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
1.6.3. BCG Vaccination (Giovanni Battista Migliori, Richard Zaleskis)
1.6.4. Psychological Aspects of Stigma and Discrimination of Patients with Tuberculosis and TB/HIV Coinfection (L.D. Todoriko)
1.7. Infection Control (S.M. Ljepshina)
1.7.1. Infection Control Rationale (Definition)
1.7.2. TB Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities
1.7.3. Administrative Control
1.7.4. Environmental Control/Control of Air Indoors
1.7.5. Personal Respiratory Protection
1.7.6. Infection Control in TB Patients’ Homes
Chapter 2. Etiology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis
2.1. TB Etiology (V.I. Petrenko, O.S. Shevchenko)
2.1.1. Causative Agent of TB and Its Types
2.1.2. MTB Replication
2.1.3. MTB Structure
2.1.4. MTB Genetics
2.1.5. MTB Resistance to AntiTB Drugs
2.1.6. Environmental Stability of MTB
2.1.7. NonTuberculosis (Atypical) Mycobacteria
2.2. Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis (O.K. Asmolov, V.I. Petrenko)
2.2.1. Immunophysiology and Immunopathology of Tuberculosis
2.2.2. Pathophisiology of Tuberculosis
Chapter 3. Detection and diagnosis of tuberculosis
3.1. Case Finding, Diagnosis and Screening (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
3.1.1. Casefinding
3.1.2. Diagnosis
3.1.3. Screening
3.1.4. From Diagnosis to Registration
3.2. Practical Approach to Lung Health (PAL) (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
3.3. Methodology of TB Patient Observation
3.3.1. Case History (V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.2. Physical Examination (V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.3. Haematology (V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.4. Biochemistry (V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.5. Laboratory Testing for MTB (V.I. Petrenko, Richard Zaleskis)
3.3.6. The Role of Tuberculin Skin Test (Mantoux Test) in Diagnosis of TB (Giovanni Battista Migliori, V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.7. Other Immunology Testing for Tuberculosis in Ukraine (V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.8. Radiological Diagnosis (V.I. Petrenko)
3.3.9. Functional Tests (L.A. Gryschuk)
3.3.10. Instrumental Diagnostics (V.I. Petrenko)
Chapter 4. Treatment of patients with tuberculosis
4.1. Brief Historical Overview of the Development of Antimycobacterial Therapy (Vaira Laimane)
4.2. Principles of Treatment of Patients with Tuberculosis (V.I. Petrenko)
4.3. Antimycobacterials. Theoretical Basis of Antituberculosis Treatment (V.I. Petrenko, Vaira Laimane)
4.3.1. Antituberculosis Drugs Activity
4.3.2. Bacteriologic Bases for TB Treatment (Vaira Laimane)
4.3.3. Antituberculosis Drugs (V.I. Petrenko, Richard Zaleskis)
4.3.4. Side Effects of AntiTB Drugs (B.M. Puchlykh)
4.4. Treatment of Susceptible TB (Vaira Laimane)
4.4.1. The Aims of Susceptible TB Treatment
4.4.2. Standardized Treatment Regimens for Active Tuberculosis in Defined Patient Groups (L.D. Todorico)
4.4.3. Phases of Treatment of Pulmonary and Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis
4.4.4. Evidence Based Recommendations for Tuberculosis Treatment
4.4.5. Recommended Treatment Regimens for New Pulmonary TB Cases
4.4.6. Recommended Treatment for Previously Treated TB Cases (Relapses, Treatment after Failure, and Treatment after Default)
4.4.7. Monitoring of TB Treatment Response
4.5. Adjuvant Therapy in Ukraine
4.6. Surgical Treatment of Patients with Tuberculosis (I.D. Duzhij)
4.6.1. Historical Overview on Surgery for Tuberculosis
4.6.2. Current Indications for Surgery in TB
4.6.3. Contraindications for Surgery in TB
4.6.4. Types of Surgical Operations
4.6.5. Pre and PostSurgical Followup
4.7. Patients’ Support and DOT (Vaira Laimane)
4.7.1. Importance of Adherence to TB Treatment
4.7.2. PatientCentered Approach
4.7.3. Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)
4.7.4. Treatment for TB in Hospital
4.7.5. Delivering DOT on Ambulatory Bases
4.7.6. TB Patient Education
Chapter 5. Clinical forms of tuberculosis (V.I. Petrenko, M.G. Boyko)
5.1. Classification of Tuberulosis
5.1.1. International Classification of Tuberculosis
5.1.2. Classification of TB in Ukraine
5.1.3. Formulation of TB Diagnosis
5.2. The Primary Tuberculosis
5.2.1. Overview of Primary TB Forms
5.2.2. Tuberculosis of the Nondefined Localization/Primary Site
5.2.3. Primary TB Complex
5.2.4. TB of Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes Tuberculosis
5.2.5. Complications of the Primary Tuberculosis
5.2.6. Specific Features of the Primary Tuberculosis in Different Age Groups
5.3. The Secondary Tuberculosis
5.3.1. Disseminated Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.3.2. Focal Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.3.3. Infiltrative Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.3.4. Caseous Pneumonia
5.3.5. Pulmonary Tuberculoma
5.3.6. FibroticCavitary Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.3.7. Cirrhotic Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.3.8. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Associated with Occupational Dustrelated Pulmonary Disease (Coniotuberculosis)
5.4. Complications of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.4.1. Respiratory Insufficiency/Failure
5.4.2. Cor Pulmonale
5.4.3. Haemoptysis and Pulmonary Bleeding
5.4.4. Spontaneous Pneumothorax
5.4.5. Atelectasis
5.4.6. Amyloidosis of Internal Organs
5.4.7. Bronchial and Thoracic Fistulae
5.5. Residual Changes after Pulmonary Tuberculosis
5.6. Tuberculosis of Respiratory Organs Associated with Other Illnesses and Conditions
5.6.1. Pulmonary Tuberculosis and NonSpecific Respiratory Disease
5.6.2. Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus
5.6.3. Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer
5.6.4. Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Alcoholism
5.6.5. Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Cancer
5.6.6. Tuberculosis in Pregnancy and Lactation
5.6.7. Tuberculosis in Children
5.6.8. Tuberculosis in the Elderly and Aged People
5.7. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
5.7.1. Tuberculosis of bronchi, trachea, larynx and upper respiratory tract
5.7.2. Tuberculosis pleurisy (including empyema)
5.7.3. Neurotuberculosis and meningeal tuberculosis
5.7.4. Boneandjoint tuberculosis
5.7.5. Genitourinary tuberculosis
5.7.6. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes
5.7.7. Abdominal tuberculosis
5.7.8. Miliary tuberculosis
5.7.9. Skin, subcutaneous tissue and ocular tuberculosis
Chapter 6. Drug resistant tuberculosis and tb/hiv oinfection
6.1. Epidemiology of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
6.1.1. Risk Factors for MDRTB and XDRTB Development
6.2. Diagnostics and Treatment of DrugResistant TB (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
6.2.1. Clinical Features of MDRTB and XDRTB
6.2.2. Establishing Diagnosis of Drugresistant TB
6.2.3. New Technologies for Rapid Diagnosis of MDRTB
6.2.4. Conservative Drug Treatment of Drugresistant TB
6.2.5. Failure of Therapy and Retreatment Regimens
6.2.6. Treatment Monitoring for Drugresistant TB
6.2.7. Risk Factors and Treatment Outcomes of MDRTB Treatment
6.2.8. Surgical Treatment for MDRTB and XDRTB
6.3. Control of MDRTB and XDRTB (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
6.3.1. Infection Control Measures and Recommendations
6.3.2. Global Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Drugresistant TB
6.4. TB/HIV Coinfection (Alberto Mattelli)
6.4.1. Epidemiology
6.4.2. Diagnosis and Treatment of TB/HIV
6.4.3. Diagnostics of Tuberculosis among HIV Infected Persons
6.4.4. Treatment of TB and HIV Coinfection
6.4.5. Prevention of TB in HIVinfected People
6.4.6. Control of TB/HIV Coinfection
Chapter 7. Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (Richard Zaleskis, V.I. Petrenko)
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Recommended Regimens for Treatment of Latent TB Infection and Their Effectiveness
Chapter 8. New perspectives in development of phthysiology (Giovanni Battista Migliori)
8.1. New Technologies in TB Diagnostics
8.1.1. The New Diagnostics
8.1.2. Improving Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing
8.1.3. Looking for Biomarkers: Mycobacterial Lipoarabinomannan (LAM)
8.1.4. Immunodiagnostic Methods: Are They Able to Differentiate TB Infection and Disease?
8.1.5. Other New Diagnostic Techniques
8.1.6. World Health Organization Policy Statement on Commercial Serodiagnostic Tests
8.2. New Medications
8.2.1. Priority Areas for Research in AntiTB Drugs
8.2.2. Methodological Issues in AntiTB Drug Development
8.2.3. AntiTB Drugs Presently Undergoing Clinical Trials
8.3. Vaccines
8.3.1. BCG Vaccine
8.3.2. The Two Vaccination Strategies: Preexposure and Postexposure
8.3.3. The Roadmap for the Future